17.08.23 - DenkArt, Debattenformat der Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, mit Mareice Kaiser, Annika Klose MdB, moderiert von Saki Aslan, Berlin
23.03.23 - Pablo Neruda Bibliothek Berlin
24.03.23 - Leseclubfestival Dresden
27.03.23- STA Club, Literaturhaus Hamburg
25.04.23 Fehrfeld Kneipe, Bremen
13.05.23 - Literaturhaus Freiburg
15.05.23 - Marienbad Freiburg
15.05.23 - Literaturhaus Stuttgart
02.11.23 - Slot Hamburg (Comiclesung mit Noise: Jul Gordon mit Luka Lenzin, Eva Müller mit Michael Steinhauser)
03.11.23 - Göttinger Literaturherbst
22.11.23 - Literaturhaus Dortmund
29.11.23 - Literaturbüro Lüneburg
23.02.24 - Literaturhaus Allgäu
27.02.24 - Diversify, Schiller Bibliothek Berlin
01.03.24 - Staatstheater Nürnerg
17. 05.24 - Meet the Artist Villa Aurora Los Angeles
31. 05.24 Goethe Institut Los Angeles
21. 05.24 Goethe Instut San Francisco
11. 09.24 Universität Bremen
10.10.24 Villa Aurora Nacht Berlin, Soylent Green
24.10.24 - Literaturhaus Niederrhein Krefeld
11.11.24 GEW Cuxhaven
08/09.07.23 - Worshop Texttage Nürnberg
18.08.2023 - Offener Workshop am Tag der offenen Tür des Bundeskanzleramts
17.10.23 - Workshop für Kinder, Bücherhalle Bramfeld
Die Termine werden regelmäßig aktualisiert.
I´m very happy to announce that I´m a recipient of the 2025 stipend by Deutscher Literaturfonds. Now I will be able to work on my new book the whole yeare and you will hold it in your hands sooner.
Deutscher LiteraturfondsIch freue mich sehr dass mein Buch "Scheiblettenkind2 am Theater an der Parkaue in Berlin adaptiert wird. Im Januar 2025 ist die Premiere.
"Eine Coming-of-Age-Geschichte, die an den Klassenschranken in unserer Gesellschaft rüttelt und eindringlich Fragen nach Privilegien aufwirft." Theater an der Parkaue
I´m very happy to announce that I´m a grant recipient of the Villa Aurora in Los Angeles. I´m gonna spend 3 months in the footsteps of Martha and Lion Feuchtwanger in their former House in the Pacific Palisades. Starting in April 2024.
Villa AuroraIn Kooperation mit dem Buchladen Strips & Stories veranstalten Jul Gordon und ich die Reihe Comic Kiosk.
Am 02.11. um 20 Uhr treten wir selbst in der Reihe auf, Jul Gordon in Kooperation mit Luka Lenzin, ich in Kooperation mit Michael Steinhauser. Es wird noisy!
Vom Schreiben in Schichten
Sitzt die Herkunft immer mit am Schreibtisch? Woher nimmt man nach der Schicht auf dem Gabelstapler noch die Kraft für Poesie? „Bescheidene Verhältnisse“ beschäftigt sich mit bescheidenen Verhältnissen. Und was man daraus macht.Eva Müller arbeitet in einer Imbissbude und einer Gummifabrik und zugleich als Comic-Autorin und Kulturvermittlerin.
Dinçer Güçyeter ist erfolgreicher Verleger, erfolgreicher Lyriker – und erfolgreicher Staplerfahrer. Jens Eisel fing während seiner Ausbildung zum Schlosser an zu lesen – und verdingte sich später als Hafenarbeiter. Aber schreiben Arbeiter*innen wirklich anders? Eine Begegnung mit zeitgenössischer Akkordarbeit in streng getakteten Schichten.
Ein Feature von Tabea Soergel und Martin Becker
These are the biggest news of the year for me.
My book "Scheiblettenkind" was released on 21. November.
Purchase it here or in every bookstore.
It is done! We, a group of 12 artists worked, over the past 2 Years, under the roof of Documenta 15, on building a union for german Comic Artist
Early September we finally founded the Union during an actionweek at Documenta 15. We launched a huge empirical study on the working conditions of comic artist in german speaking countries. We also launched our website.
By the beginning of next year, the comic artist union will be open to new members. Stay tuned and if you work with comics please consider taking our survey and be part of the study.
Comic Juju - Risonanz is an exhibition curated by Julia Rein for the Comic Juju Stuttgart. Julia printed Risography prints of drawings from many artists and I´m one of them.
Dates: 22.07.22-12.09.22
I´m very happy to announce that I received a grant from the FRITZ HÜSER INSTITUTE. The Fritz-Hüser-Institut collects, indexes, and examines German-language literature on the topic of work and makes it available to researchers and the interested public.
Fritz Hüser InstitutAfter 3 Years of Work, I´m very proud and happy to announce that my book "Scheiblettenkind" is gonna be released in Germany by Suhrkamp Verlag in November 2022. Preorder is already open:
I´m proud to announce that I created a songcomic based on the Song " Babystrich" for the Anthology published by Ventil Verlag. My comic is one of many. All of them created by different artists. Buy the book in every bookstore in Germany or here:
Ventil VerlagI´m happy to be part of the new comic anthology "Too tough to die" among many other amazing old age punk comic artists. Check it out here:
My time, two months at the Saari residence lies behind me now and it was amazing. I worked 50 new pages on my new horror comic. I spend a lot of time in the snow and the sauna and met many amazing people, artists and the Saari Staff.
Kone FoundationI wrote a little comic for the Comicjuju Festival Zine and exhibition in Stuttgart. I am one among many amazing artist. The zine is a limited risography print. The exhibition is on at Suttgart Rathaus between 6.9.2021-30.09.2021.
I´m very happy to announce that I received the Saari Artist Residency and grant from the Kone Foundation in Finland. I´m going to spend my first winter in total darkness and work on my new book. Starting in January 2022.
Kone FoundationFor one of the biggest German unions I led a workshop on the topic of "Antifacism". Due to Covid measurements the number of participants was lower than usual, so we could work more intensly on the comics. We made long colorful stories and printed them as zines.
Save the date! August 29th I´m going to read and lead a Workshop at Literaturfestival Geesthacht.
FestivalI teamed up with teacher Julie Kuhn and "Kulturagenten Hamburg" and held a workshop at "Stadtteilschule Eidelstedt". The 6th graders made comics about weird species and what they might eat. The Comics were exhibited at Karolonia Festival, spread around the city as posters, stickers, zines and little Films. It was a pleasure!
Foto by Julie Kuhn
In 2020 I was one of the lucky finalists for the biggest German comic book award. A huge honor! I am very proud! In May should have been the award ceremony, the second attempt, for all the winners from 2020 and 2021. Unfortunately we couldn´t celebrate again, but instead, I am part of the huge online exhibition. My first one! Many awesome comic artists are part of it. Congratulations to all my colleagues! You can reach the Exhibition here.
Award ExhibitionSince two weeks I call Cassis on the south coast of France my new home. For the next three months I am an artist in residency at the Camargo Foundation and part of their Core Programm. My new book is gonna be, what I am working on here (and I might even finish it. 206 pages by now. Knock on wood. ). The foundation was built and founded by the artist/filmmaker/philantropist Jérome Hill, who built this oasis. He also was a gay man who transferred his home into a safe space for queers and special people from around the world. I am unbelievably happy to have the privilege to be here in his house, that is full of history and also to be here with many amazing and smart artists and thinkers. Especially during this time of crisis. This may sound a little tacky now, but I still want to say it, because it is true: My book is about growing up in a workingclass family and trying to survive or even get access to worlds, where you have the feeling, you don't belong. The book is no straight autobiography, but it depicts huge parts of me and my life. So having the possibility to write and draw in a place like this, is really a huge deal for me on many levels. Looking back, even only 3 years, I would 've never believed it, when someone told me, that this is my life now. I am still in denial to be honest. So thank you Camargo Foundation for opening a new door to me and so many others.
3 years ago one of my closest friends and loves of my life, Rebecca, died. She was very smart and half into her promising PhD. So colleagues and friends came together to make a book that includes her recent work. It got published by Katzenberg and I can´t wait to hold it in my hands. It´s not only a scientific book, it is also a book about friendship, death, grief and sharing thougts with precious and smart humans.
I am very honored, that I also have a little Comic in the book, which comes together with the text of Heiko Stuberauch.
Get it here!
A little book with all the best literary Places in Hamburg was published by Juniusverlag and I was asked to write a little text about my favourite literary place: Strips and Stories.
The book is very beautiful and a nice gift.
Buy it here:
My 6 page Comic "Animal Liberation" is going to be part of the Panel Walk of Comicfestival Hamburg. Yay! Displayed : Oct 2nd to Oct 4th.
I received the "Kunst kennt keinen Shutdown" grant. That gave me the possibility to create a new Performance. Check it out:
PUNKI am going to read at the amazing Oodi Library during the Runokuu Literature Festival, August 22, 16.30 h. Be there or be square!
I´m happy and proud to announce that I am going to be an artist in Residency at the Camargo Foundation in Cassis, France next year. I will live with eleven fellow artist and thinkers in a beautiful house at the coast.
I am very grateful to have this opportunity to work on my new book.
Dominik Bloedner from the Newspaper Badische zeitung wrote an article about me, my new book and my writer in residency time in Eisenbach. You can read it here: Badische Zeitung (Sorry guys, only in german.)
from Dominik Bloedner
On July the 6th I will host a Comic workshop, teaching comic basics at Kreativ Treff Eisenbach. The space is limited due to Corona. You can apply here: Kreatives Eisenbach. And you can read an interview about the workshop at Badische Zeitung here: Badische Zeitung
I am very proud to announce that "In the future we are dead" is now available in French as "Plutôt Mourir". The book got published by Editions Même pas mal on June 12th. Yay!
from Antti Leppänen
Great News, from September til Oktober I will be a Writer in Residency at the Villa Sarkia in beautiful Sysmä in Finland. I applied with my new book and am sure will be able to finish many pages in this perfect environment.
I am happy to announce that I will be working on my new book from Oktober til Dezember at Künstlerdorf Schöppingen. I am really looking forward to it.
from Günter Seggebäing
The Project "Comixx mit Klasse" by Literaturhaus Hamburg came to an end. For one school semester the artist Larissa Bertonasco and me teached young students, who immigrated from different countries of the world, how to draw comics. The students created a wonderful book. On June 15th they are going to receive the books at a festive event at the Literhaus hamburg and the project comes to an end. I was happy to talk via Zoom with Julia Freienberg, the project leader about my experience and it was nice to see the students receiving the book on stage.
Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures. So I am going to perform my first online Comic Reading via Zoom during a Webtalk by IG Metall. You can watch it on the IG Metall Facebook page on May 15th, 4 pm. Enjoy!
My residency in the Black forest town Eisenbach started on March 20th. I am grateful to be in a village and have time to write my new book in such strange Corona times.
We will see, if a workshop and a performance by the end of the residency in July are possible. Thank you @ Kreatives Eisenbach e.V. for the great opportunity!