
Eva is performing multimedia readings of her comics, is giving talks and lectures about her work. With  SOYUZ APOLLO she is doing multimedia shows between film, video and comic. Interested? Drop her a line.


Photo: Thorsten Wagner

Photo: Thorsten Wagner

On Stage

Death on screen / Tod auf Leinwand

 Death is omnipresent as a topic in Culture and Art. Comic and Film share visual and narrative aspects - in this 90 minute multi-media performance they also share the screen.
Eva  presents parts of her awarded book „In the Future  we are dead“ in a multimedia reading. Soyuz Apollo compiled a film program on 16mm and created videos that responsively
expand the comic sequences. Thereby  Eva´s personal
stories about death are transferred to further aspects of cinema and society.
The performance is available in english and german. 

 In the future we are dead /Sterben ist echt das Letzte

 "In the future we are dead" is a 160 page graphic novel about the topic of death and fear, that often comes with it. Eva  presents the Graphic Novel in a 35 minute multimedia Comic reading with pictures and sound. Afterwards there is often an open talk with the audience about their fears, about death, about life and all the big stuff. The reading is available in english and german.


Punk is a big part of Evas life. Punk shaped her to who she is today, so it is omnipresent in her comics. 
This multi media comic  reading with sound, music and pictures is a menage of Evas short stories about punk . The reading is available in english and german. 

Our piece of punk

Judith Vetter and Barbara Lüdde are the editors of the book "Our piece of Punk - Ein femisnistischer Blick auf den Kuchen". The book contains drawings, comics, text contributions, discussions and declarations of love about the possibilities and limits of queer_feminism in punk. It's not about looking in the rear-view mirror, not about "everything used to be better" - and Riot Grrrl nostalgia: Rather, the book lets protagonists have their saying who love and live punk and DIY today, with all the quirks , edges and annoyances.
Eva did a comic for the book and is sometimes reading from it together with Barbara and Judit. The reading is available in german.

Comic MIX

Eva published many comics and performs comic readings , between 10 minutes to 1 hour in length, mixing the stories. The readings are available in english or german. 

Production of Comic Readings

You are a publisher, comic artist, company...and you have a comic that should be presented in form of a reading. Eva can create a multi media comic reading from your comic and also perform it for you.  On or Offline. Just drop her a line.  

Comic Readings with Kids

As part of workshops with kids, Eva arranges Comic readings with them. They read from their own Comics and the outcome is most of the time very cute and funny.

Online Comic Readings
Eva performs all of her comic readings for a huge audience online for example via Zoom. It is also possible to  record the reading and stream it via Youtube. 

Vita with Evas Performances:

Online Comic Reading from "Sterben ist echt das Letzte"

Sorry guys, until now, it´s only in German. The video is shot and edited by Thorsten Wagner (www.soyuzapollo.org)  for the start of Evas literary residency in the black forest.  
