Selection of 
Past Workshops

"A lot of weird beings" 
5 day Workshop 2021
In Cooperation with Kulturagenten Hamburg Eva led a multi day Workshop with a schoolclass from Stadtteilschule Eidelstedt. The kids discovered many weird beings and made comics about them and their eating habits. 
The Comic posters were spread around the city during "Karolonia", a festival for young art.   Manuel Gieß made little movies with sound from the comics , Stickers and Magazines were printed. 

Comixx mit Klasse
Comixx with class
 2019/2020 - 24 school lessons
In Cooperation with Literaturhaus Hamburg Eva produced a Comic book with a foreign language school class . She  worked with 17 students, aged 17 to 19, who migrated from many different countries to Germany. The workshop took place every week, over one school semester in a school in Hamburg. The students learned how to tell their stories via comics. The project and finshed book brought them in touch with art,  gave them a heard voice and improved their language skills.  

Thinking Utopia
2019 - 3 days -IG Metall Bildungszentrum Schliersee
In cooperation with the Union "IG Metall"  Eva led a comic zine workshop for industrial workers. The workshop participants created an 8 page zine about their utopian ideas. The first three days the participants had a theoretical input. Afterwards Eva helped them to put their new knowledge into ideas for their own comic book zines and stories. In two days the zines were ready to be reproduced with a copy machine and shared with the world. 

We don´t need permission  - Creative Protest
2019 - 3 days, IG Metall Bildungszentrum Schliersee

In cooperation with the Union "IG Metall"  Eva led industrial workers to create a comic zine and poster to express their protest in a creative way. 
The first three days the participants had a theoretical input. Afterwards I supported them to put their protest ideas into creative ways. 

The wolves are loose
2019 - 4 hours, MARKK Museum Hamburg

In cooperation with the MARKK Museum Hamburg Eva led a 4 hour workshop for kids during their exhibition about wolves. 
In comics, humans can be animals and animals can be human.  Imagine you wake up in the morning and have turned into a wolf.  What could you experience as a wolf, who could you meet, what could you do? How does the story continue?  In the comic workshop kids could draw their own wolf comic with my professional help. 

Transformation- 2019, 2 days, IG Metall Bildungszentrum Sprockhövel
In cooperation with the Union "IG Metall" Eva led a comic poster Workshop for 25 industrial workers. The workshop participants created a 4 panel Comic Poster about their ideas regarding social and economic transformation. The first three days the participants had a theoretical input. Afterwards Eva helped them to put their new knowledge into ideas for their own comic posters and stories. In two days the posters were ready to be reproduced with copy machines and shared with the world.

Comicgruppe - Comicgroup
St. Georg 2018 - 2020, Schorsch im IFZ Hamburg

Every thursday from 4 to 6 , kids meet in the community Center Schorsch to draw comics led by Eva and the comic artist Jul Gordon.  In addition to the weekly workshop, we participate with the kids in the Comicestival Hamburg every year, produce many zines, do exhibitions and  workshops over several days. In our open comic group the kids find a calm and quiet environemt to draw and tell stories. We provide them with materials, professionel guideance  and give them space for creativity.

Comicgruppe - Comicgroup
St. Pauli since 2017, GWA St. Pauli

Every wednesday from 4 to 6 , kids meet in the community Center Kölibri to draw comics led by me and the comic artist Jul Gordon. In addition to the weekly workshop we participate in the Comicestival Hamburg every year, produce many zines, do exhibitions and  workshops over several days. In our open comic group the kids find a calm and quiet environemt to draw and tell stories. We provide them with materials, professionel guideance and and give them space for creativity. Every now and then we do longer workshops to work on specific projects, like building a comic booth for  the comicfestival or spooky Halloween comic workshops. On our Instagram we share some drawings and make comic challenges now and then.

No matter what type of workshop you need, Eva would be happy to create a concept for you.
